Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Exercise #16 - WIKIS

Yes! this really excites me. Certainly I understand the negatives (when looking for information and verifying sources); however, in terms of the library (internal for staff) and for library related programs, events, clsses, etc, it has lots of potential. It reminds me of our "g" grive, where all staff can edit and update files, and have access to the collective forms, procedures, etc. For staff, I can see it as a more visual way to share procedures, develop classes, and work on projects together. I think it could be a great project for teens, or even for evaluating summer reading programs (have kids make comments on line); and certainly for the book reviews, reader's recommendations, etc. Not sure about the graphics part or layout, but I guess that's why I'll have to keep practicing and exploring. Thumbs up for this one!

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