Thursday, March 15, 2007

Week 4, #8

I do like the RSS and newsreaders. So much information, though. After work, the thought of checking my email and reading all the stuff is overwhelming. I'd be up all night, which I can no longer do. Unfortunately, I could not find a RSS from some small alternatvie news outlets or my favorite radio station although there are podcasts available. However, a pop up to download from Microsoft came up and I figure that would be restricted on the work computer. In my 10 feeds, I did choose book reviews from the Reader's Club and also subscribed to a Librarians Internet site, which could be useful for the library. And just discovering and getting exposed to all this technology will undoubtedly help me serve customers better. I also decided to "go public" with the bloglines account, scary as that is, although there was no "share directory" I could find on the tabs. However, I think I did it through the home page.

I am going to go back to Flickr to post another image here, even if it isn't quite on topic, just to play with that, now that co-workers helped me insert my beach picture. Yes, wish I could be there today.

Am signing off, many hours later since I never finished. Could not get a picture from flickr (everyone's) from my favorites to post on the blog. May play around tomorrow (although I am always interrupted) and/or call for help.

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